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Copyright © 2007-2024 European Immunogenicity Platform

2025 Registration Form

16th Open Scientific EIP Symposium on Immunogenicity of Biopharmaceuticals

Lisbon, Portugal

24th — 26th February 2025

Attendee Registration

Please fill in the form below so we can process your registration. When you have completed the form, please click the Register button.

If your credit card payment or Bancontact payment is successful you will receive a registration confirmation by email.

If you selected to pay by bank transfer you will receive a registration confirmation when your payment has arrived and been processed by our bank.


Representative Registration

If you are registering as the nominated Representative of an EIP member organisation, please use the dedicated Representative Registration page instead of this page.


Speaker Registration

If you are registering as a Speaker at the Symposium, please use the dedicated Speaker Registration page instead of this page.


Sponsor Registration

If you are registering as a Sponsor’s Representative, please use the dedicated Sponsor Registration page instead of this page.

Participant details

Please enter your details.

We will never sell or misuse your email address.
Please include the country code.
Please tell us if you will attend the social event.
The EIP Board invites you to be our guest at the social event. If you wish to attend, please ensure that you select this option when registering. Note that in case of no show a fee of 100.00€ will be charged to cover the costs incurred by EIP.
Please tell us how you wish to return to the conference hotel from the social event.
The location of the social event is situated in the city center. All attendees will be driven to the event on EIP busses. Please let us know if you also wish to return on an EIP bus or if you prefer to stay in the city center and organise your own return on foot / by taxi.
Please tell us if you require a certificate of attendance.
Please tell us if you agree to your contact details appearing on the distribution list of symposium attendees.

Workshop: Bring your own problem

If you are participating in the Workshop you can ask for a problem you are experiencing to be discussed during one of the breakout sessions.

To have your problem considered for inclusion, please give us a short summary of the problem.

Invoice details

Please enter the details to appear on your invoice.

Please include the country code.
If you do not have a VAT number just enter N/A.


Anything else you need to tell us.

Registration details

Registration Member price 1 Non-member price Academic price 2
Full Symposium
Includes the conference, lunches, the workshop and the social event
900€ 1,200€ 900€
Conference only 700€ 1,100€ 700€
Workshop only 390€ 390€ 390€
1 If your organisation is a member of the EIP you are entitled to the member prices.
2 If your organisation is a recognised academic institution you are entitled to the academic prices.
3 Registration is final upon receipt of payment by the EIP.
Pay now on-line You can pay online with a credit card or Bancontact account and receive an immediate confirmation of your registration, or
Pay later off-line You can pay by bank transfer and your place will be confirmed once your payment has been received.
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