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5th Open Scientific EIP Symposium on Immunogenicity of Biopharmaceuticals

25th — 27th February 2013

Munich, Germany


Tuesday, February 26th, 2013

Micro-Flow Imaging and resonant mass measurements (Archimedes) evaluated for a quantitative differentiation of protein particles and silicone oil droplets
Andrea Hawe (Coriolis Pharma)
Neutralizing anti-drug antibodies: Emerging Trends and Clinical Impact
Arno Kromminga (IPM Biotech)
When big is not beautiful; Aggregation minimisation and characterisation of biopharmaceuticals from discovery to commercial Phase
Clemens Stilling (UCB Pharma)
Binding Antibodies: Assay Methodologies, Screening Confirmation, Characterization of Anti-Drug-Antibodies
Daniel Kramer (Merck Serono)
Multiple Sclerosis: Immunogenic potential of interferon-beta and physicochemical properties of anti-drug antibodies
Florian Deisenhammer (Innsbruck Medical University)
Anti-Biopharmaceutical Immunization: Prediction and analysis of clinical relevance to minimize the risk “Goals and Update”
Marc Pallardy (INSERM) & Dan Sikkema (GSK)
Immune mechanisms underlying immunogenicity of therapeutic proteins in immune tolerant mice
Grzegorz Kijanka (University of Utrecht)

Wednesday, February 27th, 2013

Harmonization of Clinical Immunogenicity Reporting... An AAPS Initiative
Gopi Shankar (Janssen)
Effects of Silicone-Water Interfaces on Protein Structure, Aggregation, Particle Formation and Immunogenicity
John F. Carpenter (University of Colorado)
Working towards building a “Value Added Proposition” for Immunogenicity Prediction and Risk Management
Manoj Rajadhyaksha (Regeneron Pharmaceuticals)
A novel flow cytometry based technology for the quantification and characterization of sub-visible particles in protein therapeutics
Mantas Malisauskas (Baxter)
Pitfalls in the Establishment of Cut Points for ADA Assays Using the ECL Method
Michael Schaab (University of Leipzig)
Mastering Immunity ProPresent® Antigen Presentation Assay
Nikolai Schwabe (ProImmune)
High-resolution mapping of linear antibody epitopes using ultrahigh-density peptide microarrays
Soren Buus (University of Copenhagen)
ADA to ada: Functional analysis of the anti-adalimumab response using patient-derived monoclonal antibodies
Theo Rispens (Sanquin)
Glycosylation as cause of drug hypersensitivity against protein drugs
Uta Jappe (Research Center Borstel)
Current Experience in Immunogenicity Assessment of next Generation Biologics Nanobodies®
Veerle Snoeck (Ablynx)
Drug allergy is no allergy
Werner J. Pichler
Protein Aggregates and Subvisible Particles: What are they and what is their clinical impact?
Wim Jiskoot (Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research (LACDR))
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