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8th Open Scientific EIP Symposium on Immunogenicity of Biopharmaceuticals

22nd — 24th February 2016

Vilamoura, Portugal


Monday, February 22nd, 2016

Workshop: Immunogenicity Prediction
Noel Smith (Lonza)

Tuesday, February 23rd, 2016

Keynote lecture: Determinants of Immunogenicity and Tolerance
Abul Abbas (University of California San Francisco)
Increase of drug tolerance: An alternative to acid dissociation
Jad Zoghbi (Sanofi)
Pre-Existing Antibodies: When do they matter? What to do with them?
Lakshmi Amaravadi (Sanofi)
Immune response against particles in protein therapeutics
Matthew Baker (Abzena)
Lessons learnt from the European Experience Regarding Biosimilars and Immunogenicity
Paul Chamberlain (NDA)
Immunogenicity of recombinant biologics: Post-translational and chemical modifications
Roy Jefferis (University of Birmingham)

Wednesday, February 24th, 2016

Anti-Biopharmaceutical Immunization: Prediction and analysis of clinical relevance to minimize the risk
Anna Fogdell-Hahn (Karolinska Institutet)
Immunogenicity of Biopharmaceuticals
Jack A. Ragheb (Eli Lilly Co)
Immunogenicity Prediction: Where are we?
Noel Smith (Lonza)
B- and T-cell Epitope prediction
Paolo Marcatili (Technical University of Denmark)
Draft EMA Immunogenicity Guideline
Pekka Kurki (Finnish Medicines Agency)
FDA Immunogenicity Updates
Susan Kirshner (CDER/FDA)
Scientific update
Tim Hickling (Abirisk)
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