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7th Open Scientific EIP Symposium on Immunogenicity of Biopharmaceuticals

24th — 25th February 2015

Lisbon, Portugal


Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Advances in the detection and characterization of subvisible and visible particles and other aggregates
Andrea Hawe (Coriolis Pharma, Germany)
Pre-existing antibodies to biologics: Predictive for treatment outcome?
Claus H. Nielsen (University Hospital Rigshospitalet, Denmark)
Biodistribution of monoclonal antibody aggregates upon SC administration
Dr Grzegorz Kijanka (Leiden University, The Netherlands)
Clinical relevance of IFNb Nab in Multiple Sclerosis
Florian Deisenhammer (Innsbruck Medical University, Austria)

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

COVA322 case study: development of a novel anti-TNF/IL-17A bispecific FynomAb
Bernd Schlereth (Covagen, Switzerland)
Affinity of Anti-Drug Antibodies in human plasma is a potential biomarker for immunogenicity assessment of therapeutic proteins: lessons learned from FVIII replacement therapy
Christoph Hofbauer (Baxter BioScience, Austria)
Immunogenicity of RNA therapeutics
Katalin Karikó (BioNTech RNA Pharmaceuticals, Germany)
Immuno‐PCR (IPCR) technology for immunogenicity: a comparative study between ECL and Immuno-PCR
Laurent Vermet (Sanofi R&D, France)
A Bioactive PK Assay as Surrogate for Detecting Neutralizing Antibodies
Matthias Hofmann (Novartis, Switzerland)
Development of a Generic Anti-PEG Antibody Assay Using BioScale's Acoustic Membrane MicroParticle Technology
Robert Dodge (Bristol Myers-Squibb, USA)
Aggregation of Human Recombinant Monoclonal Antibodies Enhances Their Presentation by Dendritic Cells In Vitro
Sebastian Spindeldreher (Novartis, Switzerland)
A framework for immunogenicity data integration and prediction: Applying mathematical modelling to immunogenicity of biopharmaceuticals
Tim Hickling (Pfizer, USA)
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